Here are a few of the 2009 ornaments from the Hallmark premier in July. Every year Hallmark issues 10-15 Snoopy ornaments that I feel the need to anticipate, covet, buy, horde, and then try to find a place to store for eternity. I have been doing this since 2004. But in addition to every Snoopy ornament, I also get the Gone With the Wind ornaments (one of my favorite movies), and whatever else catches my fancy. I have an addiction. And a storage problem.

I do have a storage closet - that is tiny, and holds only my excess luggage, winter coats, vacuum, and my Christmas tree, along with a few large RubberMaid bins with the ornaments in them. I really need more bins, however, because when Hurricane Ike hit Houston last year, along with the terrible destruction to my bathroom (the ceiling collapsed over my shower - making it unusable for weeks...) there was massive water damage to my closet. The real kicker about this was that me, being a flight attendant, I was picking up trips to get the hell out of my apartment (and into a shower) and didn't realize the water damage was slowly creeping into my storage closet - and into my huge ornament collection. When this realization occurred, I was almost inconsolable. Honestly, I really didn't lose many - for most were in the plastic bins and protected from the slow water drip - and when compared to those who lost their entire homes on Galveston or the Bolivar Peninsula, I am very fortunate. But even still, being from New Mexico, and having this be my first hurricane experience, I was not a happy girl. And I lost my Christmas tree! Post script to this - my insurance company USAA handled this very well unlike most insurance nightmares I keep hearing about on the news.

And, really, how could Secreteeyore pass this one up? The Ornament Debut is October 10-11 and the Open House at Hallmark is November 7-8; I have my calendar already marked. More Snoopy stuff to come...