Wednesday, January 21, 2009

FaceBook Drama

Okay. I am fairly conservative in my political views. I was raised in a strict, Catholic and Navy household. Nowadays, expressing my beliefs (being young and Republican) elicits a puzzled look and a whole lot of judgement. So I have learned to shut my mouth and not talk politics.

Yesterday was an historic day. I wish Barack Obama the best, and pray that his decisions are wise ones.

That being said, yesterday I got into some huge FaceBook drama concerning our new President, unintentionally. So, I have this "friend" Amber who I used to live on the same block in high school, and who I probably haven't spoken to (or seen) in 10 years. During the inauguration she posts this update saying [please keep in mind all this is paraphrasing because my memory might be a tad faulty because I was angry]:

-Amber is watcing history! and is proud 2 b american for the first time ever!

This statement made me huffy, and not just because she cannot capitalize 'American' or spell out 'to be'. I hate it when people say stuff like this. A person should be proud to be American every day of their natural lives, should fall on their knees every night and thank the Good Lord Above that he or she had the ultimate good fortune to be blessed enough to be here. I could go on. So, naturally, I commented.

-This is insanity! First time ever? Have you ever lived in another country or spent any significant time in the developing world? I can't believe people say stuff like this.

Please note, dear Blog Readers that I said nothing about the President or partisan politics. Her response?

-Be careful what you say. I didn't complain about YOUR president, you don't complain about MINE.

To which I said, very calmly:

-I wasn't referring to the President. I was referring to your not being proud of being an American.

During this time I also discovered that she had written on my Wall a post that contained these statements strung together "I have traveled and seen things and that's how I know", and "You seem like a very mean spirited person" among others. So I deleted her friendship. No big loss for me. And obviously, I deleted all her Wall posts.

So the next time I log in I have a new mail message from guess who? Amber. It contains the following message:
"You are a horrible, horrible person, and I cannot believe how mean and cruel you have been to me today."

Okay. I don't really see how I am a horrible, horrible person. In fact, I think that she is not so nice of a person herself. She was obviously a name-caller in this situation. I was just calling her out for not being patriotic.


  1. hahahahaha. that is awful! I would have done the same thing that you did in regards to replying on her ridiculous status. And I totally woulda deleted her as a "friend." The whole thing is really funny because I can totally see that playing out.

  2. wow that was ignorant. First time ever? I mean I'm excited about OUR new President but I won't say that it's the first time I've ever been proud to be an American. Dumbass.

  3. "and is proud 2 b american for the first time ever!"

    Yeah, and Michelle Obama was proud of her Country for the first time in her life in 2008-her words.

    My comment above was because she said it. How is it that someone who has never been proud of her country can be the first lady 6 months later.

    BTW: Nothing better than a Young, Republican Woman!
