Tuesday, January 27, 2009


A few months ago Todd shared with me a great website called Pandora.com. It is basically a better version of the online radio, and is customizable to include and exclude any song, artist or genre that you especially like or dislike. This could have come in handy last year when I was helping him remodel his bathroom and we were listening to AOL Radio's Sailing Away channel for hours on end and forced to listen to such atrocities as "Undercover Angel" by Alan O'Day. That has since become an inside joke between us, as it was sooooo completely awful. But, dear Blog Readers, I thought that you might benefit from this amazing so-called Music Genome Project that can predict what song you will like by typing in a song you already like. I have found that the thumbs up and thumbs down feature is especially satisfying.

My profile, no surprise, is http://www.pandora.com/people/secreteeyore and you are welcome to browse, but no making fun! I like my Native American music to chill out to!

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