I am a Chihuahua kind of girl. I tend to like Chihuahuas, and actually any dog in general, better than people. My dream is to be a housewife and rescue them and have a whole brood of them. That being said, my current profession being the way it is, the love of my life, my
almost 6 year old miniature Chihuahua, Elvis, is forced to be foster parented by my parents in Albuquerque, whilst I live alone in Houston. I miss him very much. He does visit me often, he has his own little airplane carrier and my mom brings him along when she visits me. Often times, I find myself getting a little bit more excited that he's coming rather than she is. (Is that bad??). Anyways, I am a good Chihuahua momma. Some might say a tad bit obsessive. Every year I take him to
PetSmart to get his photo taken with Santa. And now, a trip down memory lane....

This was 2003. He was about 9 months old, and was so nervous to be held by anyone else that I had to kind of
sidle on in next to Santa. So I overlook his cute little
neuroses, he's a Chihuahua! You can kind of tell that he was trying his best to escape.

This is obviously the Easter Bunny, in spring of 2004, and an anomoly at PetSmart, because this is the only time that I know of that he was available for pictures. Elvis doesn't look too happy about a man in a rabbit trying to squeeze him. This one makes me giggle.

This is me at my best. Spoiling my baby. He is in a Coach jacket. And he still looks petrified of Santa.

Christmas 2005 he seems to have calmed down a bit. This is actually my favorite Christmas photo of him. He is in his little red and green ski sweater and is actually making eye contact with the camera, and he is at his full grown weight. I'm gushing! Such a proud momma! He's smiling in this one!

He is scared again in this one, and looks like he about to leap down and bite some ankles. At least the red ribbon looks good!

Last year's photo was another good one, this time a close up and the first time that it wasn't a Polaroid (I think because the Polaroid company was circling the drain at the time...). It's a larger photo and looks like Elvis is wearing a bow tie. So sweet and dorky!

2008's photo is a tribute to Elvis' Blue Hawaii. Elvis is in his little Hawaiian shirt and kukuii nut lei that I bought him in Honolulu. He again looks scared and about to do a kamikaze jump. Odd thing about this one too, is that "Santa" is a woman. Could they really not find a guy?

Elvis' Christmas present to his mama this year - an ornament from Hallmark with his photo in it. I collect Hallmark ornaments, and this one is extremely special in that it has a little button that you push to hear his actual barking. Yep. My parents actually recorded his barking for me. That's how obsessed they are for him too! Haha!
haha! I, too, am a proud Chihuahua mama (+ min pinscher). We have never taken them for picture time with Santa, but I do have quite a few of them looking miserable in their li'l Christmas outfits :)