Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Updates On My Life

I know I have been MIA for much too long. I don't really have an excuse - there has been a hell of a lot to talk about!

Firstly I am officially an adult and purchased a brand new car - a Kia Sorrento on the first of September. That was a stressful day - my little Ford Escort was dying a slow and undignified death, and my parents were tired of me complaining about it. So my mom flew down from Albuquerque to help me in the wasp's nest that is a new car lot - and I signed the paperwork (surprisingly) on my own credit. That was something that I didn't quite understand: I have beautiful credit yes, but I make very little dough - much of which goes to my rent. If I were them I wouldn't approve myself without a co-signer, but they trust me. I guess I should learn to trust myself...

Then later that week, on the 6th, my laptop died. I kept getting an error message that was a blue screen on the start-up, and wouldn't even go into Windows. I must admit I haven't really been treating it that well for the latter part of these few weeks because it kept freezing and seizing. I was one PMS-y day away from throwing it against the wall. This is the 2nd PC I have had in 4 years. I think they should last a bit longer than that.... so I went to Best Buy and after very little debate bought (read: financed) a MacBook Pro. I love it, and it is so easy to use and intuitive! I wish I had it sooner!!!!

So within a week I had to buy a new car and new laptop. I am doing my best to bring us out of this recession!

I also transferred from the International base of flying to the Domestic base of flying. I have been having a really great time with a lot of fun crews and exploring new cities...I went to Salt Lake City twice already, a beautiful place that I hadn't ever been to. It actually reminds me of home a lot...

Also I started a book club - one of my Life Goals - and the first meeting is tonight. I am so excited, and I actually think I did a pretty good job of book selection this time - there is lots to discuss in "Portrait of an Unknown Woman" - the role of women in society, the father/daughter relationship, Church and power, etc. Yay!

That about catches everyone up. I really need to stay on top on my blog! There should be a poke option like on FaceBook....


  1. haha! good idea on the poke option, though my friends would be poking the hell outta me ;)

    LOL... love that you're "an adult" but mom came to help you deal with the car situation. I only laugh because I would do the exact same thing. Being an adult is nice, but it's nicer to have parents for advice as you learn to stand on your own.

    cool on domestic - I bet that is fun to see new places :)

  2. A poke option would be good. Need another catchup!
